
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Frist week of class or PAWS it's an Acronym

Well week one is in the books now and everything went way better then I honestly thought it would, and I think part of that is because of how SGU's SVM starts the week off. PAWS which stands for something but all I can remember about it is that the WS are part of the same word? anyway it's a great program with upperclassmen helping us term 1's to really understand what we are doing here they split us up in to random groups (group 7 is the best!) and we spent most of the day playing team building games (thanks 4-H and both camps I worked for, because i know all the secrets) and then we would have discussions about different things, like what made us want to be vets, what our strengths and weaknesses are, and who our role models are (there where also less loaded questions like whats your hobby? mine is racing cars and I am still trying to figure out how to get a car here). It was a really good program and it made us all get to know everyone in the class a bit better.
But moving on this is the 40th anniversary so to mark this ruby jubilee the school held a parade and concert I watched for a bit but it was hot and I had to get ready for the true start of class. (also the whole university closed at noon for the party)
So on to the classes to start my time at vet school I had Anatomy Lab, (See class schedule below just know that labs are in the morning and lectures in the afternoon and I am in group B/B2 when relevant) which was good we got are cadaver dog and on the second day of lab we started the dissection of Adonis the intact male lab pit mix, anatomy lecture is pretty strait forward. All are lectures are held in one hall one after the other this week was mostly anatomy and histology, now histology lab this week was just getting to know a microscope (quick note the instructors here are the most friendly people who just want you to do well, and understand what it is you are doing, and they enplane everything so well, they will talk to you like you are a person and if you need help they will do whatever they can, sorry back to Histo lab) but the biggest part of lab is drawing what you see, so if you where thinking of taking that intro to drawing class go ahead confident that it is note just a blow off class. There was two other lectures this week Vet research which is new to the school we are only the second class to take it, and professionalism which is a series of lectures. That's about it, there is one very big epiphany that happened this week but I will leave it till next week. Till then try to Internalize your accomplishments, it's good for you trust me I am trying to be a doctor.  

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