
Monday, April 9, 2018

If I Go Crazy, Or My own Little Night Time

Hello Dear Readers, today will be a short one so let's just jump in.
This last week has been a extremely rough one for me, having two hard exams and a final today, between all of that sleeping and eating get all out of wack which leaves one feeling drained, tired, sleep deprived, ready for a beak where I don't have to study like a crazed mongoose fighting a cobra. Now let the record show that no one, and I mean no human ever in the history of the veterinarians has said that vet school would be easy, however what everyone fails to mention is why vet school is so hard, and while there is a answer to this question it like most vet work depends on the history. everyone struggles in vet school it doesn't matter if it has to do with classes, stress, personal, or some other problem. The impotent thing is that this happens to everyone at some point in vet school, it is how people deal with this moment of highest struggle that shows how great of a Vet you could be (or whatever other career path you choose), I have struggled with a lot in vet school but every time it happens I try to learn and better myself though the struggles.
I know that things get crazy, but that's okay since I am already a bit crazy. TTFN

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